H2S Odour Control with EcoSBR Process

H2S Odour Control with EcoSBR Process

H2S Odour Control with EcoSBR Process

Removal of smell in STP- Hydrogen sulphide is smelly but removal of smell is easy

H2S gas is formed when plant and animal matter decompose underwater without oxygen. This gas is heavy and mostly stays in the water or close to the surface. It has a distinct smell like rotten eggs and is toxic when in high concentration.

Sewage treatment plants often face odour issues due to the production of H2S, especially during hot weather. H2S gas separates from water as the water temperature rises, resulting in stronger odours from sewage treatment plants on warmer days.

Recent studies conducted by EcoTec have shown that changing the method of filling the aeration chamber can successfully address odour issues. The EcoTec EcoSBR prime process uses submersible pumps to deliver sewage from collection tanks into the aeration tank bottom at a very slow filling rate into settled activated sludge. This has resulted in remarkable and profound odour reduction. Moreover, the energy required for COD reduction and aeration is lower, and there are very high levels of nutrient removal.

In conclusion, the presence of H2S gas in sewage treatment plants poses significant odour challenges, particularly during warmer weather when the gas is more likely to separate from water. However, innovative solutions like the EcoTec EcoSBR prime process offer promising strategies for addressing these issues effectively. Implementing methods such as slow filling rates and into the settled activated sludge not only reduces foul odour but also demonstrates impressive energy efficiency and nutrient removal capabilities. Embracing these advancements in SBR sewage treatment plant design has led to substantial improvements in odour control and overall treatment performance.